Maps, Manuscripts and Data: Social Historical GIS for Early Modernists

Who: Colin Rose and Julia Rombough

Topic: Maps, Manuscripts and Data: Social Historical GIS for Early Modernists

Short Description: This hands-on workshop introduces students to some of the basics of creating and analyzing GIS maps for historians. Participants will learn how to find and georeference historical maps (and when it is appropriate to do so), locate geospatial data online, create and prepare some historical data for mapping, create polygon and point data in a GIS platform, and perform some simple geospatial analyses to help answer historical questions. All software used will be free and online. If participants have a set of data that has a spatial element (eg is based around a set of cities, or streets, or places) they are welcome to bring it along and we can work on it using the principles taught here.

Resources, Tools, Projects: ArcGIS Online (account available through your institution or through free trial membership, through institution if possible please); Google Sheets / MS Excel

Length: 2 hours